Products and Pricing

The Ones With the Sprinkles

$8 per dozen

The Ones With the Chips

$8 per dozen

The Ones Without Gluten

$25 for 3 dozen

$50 for 6 dozen

The One That is Really Big

$30 for 12" (feeds 8-10)

$40 for 16" (feeds 12-16 )

The Ones that are Brownies

$8 per dozen

The Ones that are Sandwiches

$10 per 1/2 dozen

The Ones That You Decorate: (varies by season).  

$30 per kit 

(contains 12 cookies, 3 icing bags, and sprinkles) 

Gluten Free available for $40

Please email us at if you have any questions or comments.  Stay tuned for more cookie types!